About Us

Welcome! Our father was a Signalman Striker on the USS Boston during WWII. The Boston was one of almost a hundred ships attached to Task Force 58 that prosecuted the War island by island across the Central Pacific before finally reaching Japan. She earned 10 Battle Stars in combat operations against the Empire of Japan along the way. After the war, the crewmembers went home, becoming husbands and fathers, workers and employers; each with their own fascinating story.
We’re Bill and Steve Kelly. In 2009, we decided to start this Blog Post website devoted to the USS Boston during her four years of WWII service. (She was afloat for many years after, serving in the Mediterranean and Vietnam.) We have no affiliation with any group or organization. We have no axes to grind. We just have enthusiasm for this great ship and the men who served aboard her! We do own-up to some bias, however. Steve has written several books about the ship and her unbelievable Pacific Adventures. [See the link to his books in the navigation bar.]
Obviously, we reserve the right to reject (and/or edit) any offensive material.
We have no commercial interest in maintaining, swapping, vendoring, renting or selling any contact info related to our visiting friends. We respect everyone’s privacy and will do everything we can to keep the sharks and spammers away!
Bill and Steve Kelly