WWII Naval Training Facility - Sampson NY

My Father, as well as many other recruits for the USS Boston, was trained at the Naval Training Center at Sampson New York, on the edge of Lake Geneva. Other centers included the Naval Training Center in San Diego California, Great Lakes Illinois, Bainbridge Maryland, and Farragut Idaho.
Induction at the training facility was a two step process, for the first three weeks inductees where kept in a detention facility to ensure that communicable diseases were confined, this was a full training facility limited to the first three weeks. Inductees were then transferred to the main camp for the remainder of their training.
Inductees were vaccinated, and carefully screened for medical and dental issues. They were tested and evaluated for mechanical competence, mathematical skills, english and spelling. They were also tested for hearing including pitch and rhythm. Their scores were noted and they started to sort the trainees into their naval assignments.
The daily life of a Naval Trainee tried to approximate ship life. Each separate barracks were treated like an individual ship. At 5:45am everyone awoke, had 15 minutes to stow and clean their bed area, exercise for 15 minutes, shower and clean stations, have a muster formation, and eat breakfast. After breakfast, their would be marching and three sets of drills. Then remove bedding which was airing out, prepare your mess kit and noon was dinner. After 55 minutes, drill call followed by an afternoon of march, assembly, drill, repeat. At 16:30 retreat from athletic activities. On liberty days there was a 45 minute liberty from 16:45 to 17:15 then you assemble your mess gear and march to supper.
Religious services on sunday were mandatory at Sampson, every sailor must attend. Guests were permissible at Sampson, but only on sunday between 1300 and 1630. The only permissible guests were Father, Mother, Wife, or siblings, no girlfriends or other friends.
Sampson processed thousands of Naval trainees in world war II. For more info check out this link.
Bill Kelly