A lull in the Action 10/29 to 11/1/44: A few days in Ulithi
The Boston was several months into the operations to win back the Philippines by the end of Oct. 1944, and would be in related combat until February of 1945, when they left area to support the landings on Iwo Jima.
October had been a really rough month: highlights include the Battle off Formosa and the Crippled Cruiser Adventure, followed immediately by the Second Battle of the Philippine Sea.
A couple of random “Lagoon Liberty” items:
The men enjoy Happy Hour on the fantail while at anchor. (National Archives photo)
Lagoon swimming off the Boston. (National archives photo)
Also, I’d like say Happy Birthday to Norm Bayley. The C O of the Marine Detachment aboard the Boston turned 98 on Oct. 17.