Five bucks short of 100

About nine years ago I was blessed with a gift of serendipity. A young man emailed me after finding and buying “A Bird’s Eye View” for his grandfather’s birthday. Mike told me that his grandfather was the “ship’s tenor” and he was alive and well and wanted to meet me. A guy named Pat Fedele. The drive from where I live to his house is 8 1/2 hours (on a good day), depending on the mad road conditions in and around Los Angeles. I finally got to meet him. Over several additional visits, Pat told me many Boston stories (which are scattered throughout the Baked Beans books.)
There’s no way to talk about Pat and not talk about his love of singing. I mentioned in an earlier post that whenever we talk on the phone, I get a song. In a post just before Christmas, I included a song from a c.d. that he gave me. (He was 87 years young when he recorded it.) In honor of Pat on his 95th birthday, here’s another:
Keep singing, my friend. Happy Birthday. Love this guy.
p.s. to all our friends celebrating Easter and/or observing Passover – Peace. To everyone else, Happy Spring. Peace.