Forties Glam, chapter 1

While we were in Pearl Harbor, I went to school. I had to take over the airplane recognition classes for all the divisions who were on the main deck and above. They were in a position to see aircraft and ships. I had to teach them how to recognize the planes – if they were friendly or if they were the enemy. I took that duty over, so they sent me to a special school for instructors throughout the Navy where they learned about preparation and how to teach classes and how to keep the guys’ interest up.
That was very important because most of the time, if you get a sailor in a classroom, he’s so tired because of lack of sleep – that’s the one thing, we never had enough sleep. So these guys would start falling asleep in class. I got cute here and there I’d stick in a picture of Betty Grable in a bathing suit. That’d wake them up! That’s how I kept my classes going. Pat Fedele (from Baked Beans, Vol. 1)
Reminders: If a loved one served aboard the Boston and you have not sent us a picture (preferably in uniform), my question is: why not? Before we launched this web/blog site, my Brother Bill created a computer program that integrated the records of all Enlisted Men who served aboard the ship between Commissioning Day and De-activation Day. If you scroll through the Crew Records button and type in a name, his crew records will appear. If there is no picture or no biography, it’s because you haven’t sent us one. If you have sent us one in the past and it isn’t there – let us know so we can correct that.
Facebook users: there is a Facebook Group: USS Boston CA-69. Sometimes I re-post blogs from this site (the 40’s Glam posts will be in both places), but not always. Join the Group! Post stuff!