Full Speed Ahead

Inside joke. No, really. Bill is working on the officer list for the site. He automated the crew list years ago, and was able to access crew data in a way that was relatively “user-friendly”. Through programming and various tedious cross-checks, he put together the crew records database that so many visitors to this site check out regularly. Unfortunately, he is forced to extrapolate Officer Info from the decklogs – a tedious and daunting mess that is not for the faint of digital heart. I’ll let him explain it himself – as I am certain I cannot do it justice even slightly.
Lisa is working on the website – overhauling the way it looks and the way it works. I’m sure I’m not doing justice to the effort she’s putting in, so I’ll just shut up and say thanks. (She has also been working on the “look” of the site as it appears on people’s cell phones – a whole new reality that I had not even considered.)
Bill’s been nagging me for the last couple of years to join Facebook – which I equate with root canals, knee surgery, going to church, enduring Presidential campaigns and colonoscopies. However, I finally relented, capitulated, surrendered. Yup, I’m in. Bill’s been posting stuff to the CA-69 Facebook page all along, oftentimes starting his post with words such as “Steve posted this on the website…..”
Lisa is adding several new pics of the ship onto the website masthead. It was my job to search our digital USS Boston files for pictures of the ship – which was a lot like looking through a gigantic pile of stuff in the garage for a screwdriver. Anyway, I found this cool shot of the ship from January 1946 as she left Japanese waters, heading home to San Francisco for the last time. She’s looking a bit shabby – needs a paint job for sure.