George Pitts - Iwo Jima 1

Readers of this website know that several years ago, as I worked on the Baked Beans books, I had the remarkable blessing of meeting, interviewing, and becoming friends with several original crewmembers (and one officer) – all in their late seventies / early eighties. It was fascinating! You have seen me quote Frank Studenski’s diary on many occasions. Frank was not the only one who kept notes and/or a diary! Over the next many posts, I am going to share with you George Pitts’ diary entries, in his own hand, of the lead-up to Iwo Jima and the subsequent actions while the Boston helped support the Invasion. Enjoy!
George Pitts, who sadly is no longer with us:

George was a signalman, and knew my dad and was in the same division (CS).