Goin' Home

Frank Studenski: March 6, 1945 After 16 months of continuous duty we weighed anchor and headed out of the lagoon streaming a 700 foot homeward bound pennant. The pennant is so long it is held up by balloons. Our first stop will be Pearl Harbor.
George Pitts: March 6, 1945 Anchored in Ulithi, Boston is still receiving all kinds of “well done’s” and “have a good leave’s” Tomorrow the Boston gets underway again – only this time we are headed where every man in the service would love to be – “United States” and not another of our operations, which makes every man wonder what’s going to happen this time. Not no more for this Boston – she’s deserved this overhaul more than once. In fact, there isn’t a ship in the Pacific Fleet with the kind of duty she head without going to Pearl Harbor. So look out Frisco, here we come.
March 7, 1945 HOMEWARD BOUND The Boston got underway today with her Homeward Bound pennant flying 800 feet in the air. Six inches per man is what the pennant is supposed to represent. While leaving Ulithi, all the carriers, cruisers, batts, and destroyers bid us a “bon voyage” The San Diego called us by flag hoist “Cr6r9Desig USO” (haha) – sure got a thrill out of that. The crew is really happy today, knowing we are heading for the U.S.A.