Good news on March 2, 1945

Frank Studenski: March 2, 1945: This morning we fueled from tankers, we are heading back to Ulithi. Tonight we finally got the word we are going back to the states. We have been waiting and dreaming for a long time.
George Pitts: March 3, 1945:

(ignore the discrepancies in the dates of these 2 entries. Bear in mind that it was illegal to keep a diary, so entries were not necessarily done on the date listed – perhaps some days later when they got a chance to write . . . )
CA-69 cast off it’s lines and left Boston Harbor for the last time on November 14, 1943. Except for some light duty and leave time in Pearl Harbor and a few stretches in lagoon anchorages, the men had not been off the ship and out of combat for 15 1/2 months when they got the word they were going back to the states. They reached San Pedro (Los Angeles) on March 25th, and the men got 21 day leaves and a plane ride or a train ride home while the ship underwent extensive repairs and radar upgrades.
While all this happened for the crew of the Boston, the battle for Okinawa raged on. We’ll take a look or two at that soon.