Memorial Day

Deise Nickless sent us these pictures of her dad, James F. Payne (COX). He served aboard the Boston from the 15th of September 1943 and left the ship on the 26th of February, 1946, when she arrived at San Francisco after Occupation Duty. He went on to serve in Korea and Viet Nam as a member of the Air Force.
If James Payne looks young in these pictures – well, he is young. He lied about his age and enlisted when he was 16 years old.
(If anyone recognizes any of the sailors in these photos, let us know.)
I realize that what I’m about to say might be unfair, and a case of comparing apples to oranges . . . but I work in a high school full of super-privileged kids, and almost everyday I can’t help think about how more than 70 years ago young men their age answered the call and fought a grueling war for their country. I shudder to think what would happen today.
To America’s men and women who put on a uniform and fought for our country – we are grateful for your service.