Happy Hour on the Fan Tail
Happy Hour on the Fantail. April 9, 1944. The Boston is anchored in the Majuro Lagoon in the southern Marshall Islands.
They are anchored there for a few days for replenishment and resupply, just prior to the start of the Hollandia Invasion, Gen. MacArthur’s attacks on strategic enemy strongholds in New Guinea.
This photo will be the last of the Men at Work and Men at Play pictures for a while. We have more, and will revisit them later. In upcoming posts, I plan to talk about Lagoons visited by the ship and other topics that strike my fancy.
I also plan to spend more time working on a book-in-progress (about CA-69). Actually, there are two books in progress . . . Bill and I are winding down on major repairs to my domicile. When we first tackled this project a year and a half ago, we were optimistically thinking about six months, maybe. Well, seven days a week a year and a half later, we’re almost done. I will soon able able to reconvene all my stuff in one location and plan to be “re-organized” enough to actually start writing again.
Thanks for all the emails and encouragement. Thanks for sharing your bits and pieces and threads of info from your dads, uncles, grandfathers who served their nation on this great ship.
Happy birthday, Steve.