More George Pitts' Diary

The last couple of days, I’ve had a series of frustrating technical “issues” around getting GP’s diary entries posted. I am happy to say that it wasn’t ALL operator failure! Many unsuccessful attempts at posting older, stored files, however, caused me to go back to the originals, which are blue pen entries in a small “legal pad” notebook. That’s what you’ll see for the remaining posts through the Iwo Jima campaign. I think you’ll agree it’s a happy turn of events that my struggles caused such an “upgrade.”
So you know, some time after I met George in his home in Dedham, Mass and “interviewed” him for the Baked Beans books, his daughter Sue contacted me. She asked if I might have some interest in her dad’s diary . . . and if I did, she could scan it and email it to me. I couldn’t say Yes fast enough.