More on the TEMPLE BELL


Well, the story of the bell gets more and more fascinating!   The previous blog resulted in this comment from Paul Creager:

I’d be happy to provide your group some information about the USS Boston bell.   I researched this bell and four others like it for a documentary film I directed entitled “Resonance: The Odyssey of the Bells.”

While there isn’t a lot of information about this bell’s journey from Japan, there is considerable information about the other four bells, particularly the bell that the USS Pasadena brought home from Japan.

My film focused on a bell that ended up in Duluth, MN and another temple bell that ended up in Topeka, KS.

I’d be happy to provide your group more information.


Paul’s film website is:   You can get a glimpse of what it’s about by watching a 10 minute youtube clip:   Enjoy!
