Pat Fedele

Shame on me! I am two days late wishing a great guy Happy Birthday. Pat Fedele was born on April 20, 1924. Pat is one of the six original crewmembers of the Boston that I had the good fortune to meet and interview for the Baked Beans books. Pat and I have kept in touch since then, and I consider myself very lucky to know him.
Pat is a tenor, and he shared his smooth-as-silk voice with his shipmates. I asked him about Happy Hours and “The Three B’s” : Frank Carroll and Andy DiMarzo and me. I put the group together. One day we were just singing around together down below. So at one point I said ‘do you know this song by Glen Miller or this song?’ I’d break out a song and they would harmonize. We sounded really good, just like the Modernaires. From then on we were the Three B’s. When I wasn’t doing a solo, they were with me as a trio. We were so good they sent us from ship to ship sometimes.
Keep smiling Pat. Keep singing. Happy Birthday.
From the Boston Cruisebook: