Random Stuff
I know some people whose lives are smooth and orderly – much like water gently bubbling along in a small stream. I say I know some people like this, because I am not one of them. Okay, so here’s where I stop using the water analogy to describe my life, because we all know that water can end up in some funny places . . . Let it suffice to say I’ve been busy; involved in a big project with my brother Bill. It has pulled us from putting full energy into this website.
So here I am, a few days before Thanksgiving, thinking about some random things. First, let me say Happy Thanksgiving to new friends and readers of this website and my book. Thanks to everyone who has engaged in ongoing emails with me. Thanks to everyone who has sent me pictures of their beloved Boston crewmembers.
Some folks have asked me questions that I can’t answer. Here are a few of them:
Radiation Exposure: Mike Leuders wants to know more about radiation exposure that his father in-law (as well as the rest of the crew) experienced in post-Surrender Japan — especially at Hiroshima and Nagasaki and its cancer implications.
Prisoners of War: Lois DeKay (widow of crewmember Jean DeKay) wants to know about a ship’s detail to visit Allied Prisoners of War during the Philippines Campaign. He was bothered by the memory of seeing hungry American prisoners. Does anyone know anything about this?
Oh yeah, thanks to Bill for all his enthusiastic help. Happy Thanksgiving.