Random stuff

The Kellys are at it again. Since Lisa, Bill and I have nothing better to do with our time, we decided to finally get working on our Task Force 58 website. It is partially done (with MUCH left to do), but it is up and running and if you are interested in taking a peek, check out www.taskforce58.org. I have always stressed that CA-69 was a unit of Task Force 58 and Task Force 38 – a cog in a much larger wheel. Important to see the big picture!
Lola Heiler, our friendly docent at The Emerald Conservancy in Boston (Back Bay Fens Paahk (I used my “boston accent”) emailed me with this info: Hi Steve – wanted to let you know that the OLLI UMass Boston Brown Bag Presentation – “Japan’s World Peace Bells – How Boston Became Part of the Story” – is scheduled for Wednesday 3/29 11:45a-1p. Open to members only but if anyone you know locally wants to attend, they would be my guest.
I am researching preservation grants for a shoro (bell tower) and to get the historic cherry tree grove (sakura) nearby rehabbed or replanted. They were a gift from the Japanese government in the 1950’s. Now in pretty bad shape. Also looking into how to get the bell declared an historic Boston landmark.
Anyone interested in attending this informative and fascinating look at the history of the Temple Bell salvaged by the crew of CA-69 at the end of the War, get in touch with me and I’ll connect you with Lola. (Bob – she’s hoping you can go!!). Thanks, Lola, for embracing this tremendous artifact and doing all that you do.
Finally, I’ll be out of commission for a while, recovering from knee surgery. Nobody is really interesting in reading whatever pain and drug-induced craziness might flow from my fingertips, so I’m hanging it up for the next month or so.