Bill’s first trip to the National Archives yielded a treasure trove of stuff from the Boston, including a lot of photos – many of which have appeared in this blog over the last year or so. Included in that “first batch” were a half dozen or so pics taken in some of the inner “nooks and crannies” of the ship – places like the mechanical/machine shop and parts of the engine room. We get a glimpse into some of the “nuts and bolts” of the ship – with the added bonus of crewmembers making repairs and adjustments. I think you’ll enjoy these pics as they unfold over the next several weeks.
Some context for this unusual gallery of pictures: As Task Force 58 finished up its support of the Invasion of Iwo Jima and regrouped to support the Invasion of Okinawa (March 1945), the Boston was sent back to the states for repairs and to retrofit new radar and new targeting devices for the big guns – all in advance of the upcoming invasion of the home islands of Japan in a last ditch push to end the War. Japan surrendered prior to the massive mobilization of US ships, marines and infantymen. Fortunately, the crew of the Boston and the other 97,000+ sailors aboard the other ships of the Task Force, as well as perhaps 500,000+ foot soldiers and countless pilots and plane crews were spared this horrendous series of battles.
So, these pictures, taken May 31 and June 1st (1945) at the Navy Yards in San Pedro CA, were of final preparations to return to the Pacific. Hope you enjoy them.