Steichen at War

Edward Steichen, a renowned photographer in his early 60’s when WWII broke out, wanted to enlist in the Navy and contribute to the war effort by photographing it. To make a long story short, he convinced Admiral Radford, who in turn let Steichen create “the Naval Photographic Unit.” Steichen attached himself to the heavy carrier Lexington. His unit included accomplished photographers Wayne Miller, Charles Kerlee, Charles Fenno Jacobs, Horace Bristol. Victor Jorgensen and Alfonso Ianelli.
The book, Steichen at War, by Christopher Phillips, was published by Harry N. Abrams, Inc., New York, in 1981. It is filled with amazing shots by all the above named photographers. Steichen’s overall theme for his unit: take some shots that will satisfy the brass, but above all else, focus on the men.