The Easter Bunny
We have seen that Thanksgiving and Christmas were celebrated on the Boston with great feasts. Apparently, the Easter Bunny never made it out onto the ship – it was way too far to hop!
Readers of Volume 2 of Baked Beans will remember that Julian Goldstein talked a bit about what it was like to be one of the handful of Jews on board. I don’t have any way of knowing if there were sailors aboard who were neither Christian or Jewish. I do know, however that this weekend marks both Passover and Easter. For our friends and readers who observe either (or both) – may you have a chance to reflect and enjoy these days, days in which family and friends are so important.
I’m hoping that I’m done talking about people dying this month, but I would be really remiss to not mention my father, William Kelly, S1c, who died on this day 10 years ago.
The seeds of four books about the Boston and this website sprouted that day.