THEN AND NOW Signalman George Pitts














(see post of 1-11-12 for the original inclusion of George Pitts)

On February 20, less than two weeks ago, I had the the terrific honor and privilege of meeting George Pitts (and his charming wife Mary and daughter Susan) in his home outside of Boston. George was a Signalman 3rd Class on the Boston, and was in the same division as my father.

As many of you know, I am working on a second book about the Boston – one that will be filled with “primary source” materials – including photos and original documents and interviews.   George was gracious enough to endure a couple of hours of questions and answered them with his wonderful insight and observations.

I am going to try to figure out how to include an audio clip from the “interview”   –   although I just got a message that my audio file exceeds the size allowed by this software.   Hmm, we’ll try to figure something out.   Maybe I could post them on my book website . . .   I’ll let you know.
