William O. Plante, SK3c
{SK3c = StoreKeeper, 3rd class} William enlisted in Providence, RI on March 11, 1943. After boot camp, he was assigned to the Boston. He was a plankowner, reporting aboard with the original crew on Commissioning Day (6-30-43). He mustered off the ship on April 2, 1946, after the ship was mothballed at Bremerton, WA.
Photos submitted by William’s grandson, David Neff.

About submitting photos: We are happy to share photos of your relative(s) who served aboard CA-69. Please note: there will be a delay, sometimes a LONG ONE, before your submission will appear on the site. As we are able, we will also add your photo to the CREW RECORDS. Please be patient.
YOUR SPAM FILTERS: Don’t block us out before we even get started! Photo submissions must be sent to either steve@kellys.org or bill@kellys.org. We’re sorry, but the burden is on you to make certain we are not relegated to your spam or junk folder.